(the majority of these beliefs are held from what I think are harmful and problematic.)

(there are resources below as to why these are in my dni)

Please dni if;❥ encourage eating disorder/self-harm behavior
❥ encourage thinspo/fatphobia
❥ support autism speaks
❥ support anti-vaxx/mask, pro-life
❥ support all lives matter/blue lives matter
❥ support antisemitism and religious prejudice
❥ are gender critical/enby skeptic
❥ engage/hold beliefs in cringe culture, cancel culture, and puritanism
❥ engage in shipping discourse (antiship)
❥ think pro/com/darkshippers endanger others
❥ believe fictional media defines real-life morals
❥ believe children and animals can consent
❥ are antipara/think paraphiles are inherently, "evil" (paramisia)
❥ are pro/nue-c para (meaning all contact, not just consensual contact)
❥ are anti-mspec/transmed/truscum/terf/exclusionary in any way
❥ are anti-endo/sysmedicalist
❥ are anti-recovery
❥ think harassment/cyberstalking is okay if someone is a "bad person" (exc. If you genuinely believe they may re-act and endanger others, have shown no proof of going to therapy, and do not show guilt for their actions.)
❥ believe COCSA only has one victim
❥ believe victims are correct and honest 100% of the time (abusers often disguise themselves)
❥ believe everyone can recognize, understand, and convey consent (it has to be translated)
❥ think therapy “fixes/cures” people
❥ constantly talk down on others regardless of background
❥ make kys/blender/get 🍇 jokes
❥ wish harm on real people/animals
❥ use slurs you shouldn't
❥ regularly make/share "callout/beware" posts
❥ support spreading misinfo and antagonization
❥ believe all adults who interact with minors are groomers
❥ don't believe minors can abuse/groom adults
❥ attack/callout minors for interacting with underage content
❥ Support TCTA/ETCA ("transitioning" race/ethnicity)
❥ believe that if you identify as a different age you can date people of that age range
❥ think fetishization is harmful all of the time. (It doesn't have to be.)
❥ you vaguepost a lot (I'm paranoid)
❥ including "Basic DNI";
homophobes, transphobes, ableists, racists, sexists, zionists, fascists, antisemites, and general bigotry.
I'm always willing to talk with you about these things!!!


(please look through these with an open mind and consider to understand)

Hate Narratives, Conditioned Language & Networked Harassment(article)

Books & Studies Deconstructing Morality, Abuse, Sexuality, Conservatism, Ethics & Media Influence & Literacy. (sourced thread)



Debunking "proshipper means predator"


how fiction CAN affect reality

(as a child, fiction affected my understanding of consent)

Taboo Fantasies; Real Harm Reduction

What Do Your Taboo Sexual Fantasies Say About You?

The Rise of Anti Culture in Fandoms (video)

(The fact of the matter is, if you're an anti, you're being entitled in your opinions. You think, "I feel this way about this and I'm right and that's how it is!" but it's just NOT.)

Fantis Protecting Fictional Minors (video)

antis and Moral Scrupulosity

(Scrupulosity is a form of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) involving religious or moral obsessions.)

"Obsessing over this stuff just about killed me when I was a teenager! "

(Someone's personal experience with how moral OCD affected them as a teen.)

Purity Culture & Fandom (video)

(there's a separation that people are not taking in good faith anymore because they want to win this "morality war.")

(There are people who will take a situation where someone is problematic and use it to weaponize their grievances regardless of context, regardless of receipts, but they will do so because they feel like as a smaller person (in terms of content) that they are allowed to say whatever they want and the other person cannot respond.)

The Story of Proshippers vs Antis (video)

(There are stories where people hurt each other, forgive each other, and have complicated lives. A lot of times, things in fiction are meant
to be uncomfortable and are just meant to be UNDERSTOOD, not categorically supported or categorically condemned, and that’s okay. Moral judgments aren’t the end all be all of anything a person might consume. the phenomenon of disinterpretation- of people needing to quickly sort any statement they see into a matrix of pre-existing belief sets that are quickly categorized as ‘good or bad’.)

Why People Have Sexual Fantasies They'd Never Act Out psychology today)

The Psychology Behind Why We Love (or Hate) Horror)

THE stigmatization OF PARAPHILIAS (video)


Performative Rage Over Pedophilia Doesn't Protect Kids (psychology today)


Can Child Molesters Ever Be Rehabilitated?

What Are Paraphilias & Paraphilic Disorders?

Paraphilias and paraphilic disorders: diagnosis, assessment and management

Paraphilias: no shame. (video)

Expert Report on Pedophilia, CSEM, and art

5 Facts About Child on Child Sexual Abuse (COCSA)

^^^ a discussion about the previous study ^^^

Correlation Risk Factors of Fantasies and Sexual Offending

A thread about an ex-offending zoophile and how they found help

What is Pedophilia OCD? (Psychology Today)

Shame and Treatment of Pedophilia OCD

Perception of Morality and Victims

Our story of rape and reconciliation (article + video)

What Consent Looks Like


(includes; Online Harassment research, kink/porn/fantasy studies, writing fantasy studies, art therapy studies, professional article highlights, and so much more.)


Before you follow;
I am considered very sensitive because I can be triggered/squicked very easily but I will be honest about it up front. I have a very low tolerance for things I consider triggering or bothersome. I will never be silent about something that actively bothers me. You must put effort into understanding if you want to be friends with me.
I am a victim of various forms of abuse and I do not support real abuse.
(I never talk about my abuse publicly because it's always considered, "victim-playing" and I never see a reason to. People have always used the things that happened to them as an excuse to harass me. i will just ignore you if you bring it up in an argument, it comes off as manipulative to me. I'd be more understanding if you just said you were mentally ill.)
this does not mean I believe your abuse is invalid.
I believe all abuse is complex. It is NEVER black and white.
there are circumstances where one person can be both a victim and an abuser.
i have been both abused and abusive. i did not ask for this.
I am severely mentally ill. I make mistakes. Believe it or not, I am a living being.You are supposed to feel bad about doing bad things, that is what helps you grow as a person.
The fact you feel bad, and are no longer hurting anyone; that's what matters.
Some actions are undeniably irredeemable, but that doesn't mean the person cannot move on.
People are not their past actions, especially when they've shown improvement and an effort to be better.
allow yourself to
i have boundaries too.
I get triggered by things that I will not discuss publicly in case people use it to harm me.
I talk about sensitive topics frequently and am very up-front about things I may believe others deserve to know.
I will always consider your feelings and warn you before doing this.
I never intend to make others uncomfortable or cross boundaries when doing this, I'm just trying to improve the environment for both of us.

If you do not care enough to understand, do not bother interacting with me.